The part of life only you can take care of - your well-being.
Delivered by our team of expert well-being experts our Well Being Retreats focus on the 6 healthy lifestyle principles of:
- Real Food
- Movement
- Rest and relaxation
- Lifelong Learning
- Community
- Love
Healthy Food
Wellbeing day itinerary
9:00- 9:30am Arrive
9:30- 10:30am Movement Yoga
10:30-11:00am Meditation / Breathing
11:00-11:30am Morning Tea
11:30- 1:00pm Rest and Relaxation
1:00-2:00pm Lunch
2:00-3:30pm Movement and Community
3:30-4:00pm Healthy Food Workshop
4:00-5:00pm Afternoon tea
Lifelong learning – Book handout Q&A forum